Is this course for you?

Donate to Panela Cheia

This course is raising money for Brazilian families across Brazil who have been particularly hard-hit by the pandemic. So many struggle to put food on the table: throughout the pandemic, 8 out of 10 families living in favelas would not have had enough food without receiving donations.

Tropical Portuguese is donating to the Panela Cheia (Full Pan)movement, which is a collaboration of organisations bringing basic food parcels to vulnerable families across Brazil. These partner organisations work in more than 5,000 communities across Brazil to bring essential food parcels to those most in need, helping them stay safe and stay home.

Donate by clicking the link below, which will take you to the Tropical Portuguese donation page for the partner organisation Gerando Falcões, as part of the Panela Cheia movement. Gerando Falcões runs transformative initiatives and projects in favelas, focusing on qualifications, sport, culture and income generation for young people and adolescents.

Thank you for your help in donating what you can, to keep families fed and safe.

Donate Here

Sign up, then please donate!

Example Curriculum

  Day 1: Common Pronunciation Errors
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2: Letters and Syllables That Disappear
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3: Connecting Words
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4: Repeated Words
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5: Insults and Praise
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 6: Swear Words
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 7: Summary and Tips
Available in days
days after you enroll

I'm Vlad, your tutor

I am a digital nomad (now at home until the borders are open again) passionate about languages.

While traveling I've learnt English, Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian, and even a bit of German and Turkish. All these experiences helped me discover that languages are much more than just new words for things or ideas that I already knew - they are cultural gates to new realms of understanding. They gave me the chance to update my points of view, expand and enrich my social circle, and even improve my way of living.

My practical and personal understanding of the goals of learning a language has allowed me to create the content of this week-long online course, How to Sound like Brazilians.

Here I have gathered all the tips you’ll need to help you connect with people, and the donation you're making, this gesture of compassion, it is just the first step into truly understanding Brazil and Brazilians.

Muito obrigado!

What will you learn?

Join me in his 7 day mini-course and discover how you can sound way more natural in Portuguese while helping Brazilian families in need through your donation.

Learn how Portuguese is actually spoken day to day in Brazil, rather than Portuguese found in a grammar book. Get ready to use your Portuguese to make lasting connections with native speakers and the Brazilian culture.

During the course you will:

  • Improve your pronunciation
  • Learn phrases and idioms to sound more Brazilian
  • Learn how to structure Portuguese naturally
  • Get study tips and recommendations
  • Get access to a wide range of resources including videos, online exercises, audios and quizzes

Sign up to start your journey, while helping families stay home and stay safe during the pandemic.

Sign up, then please donate!